Decota is an Environmental Engineering FIrm Based in West Virginia
Decota has extensive experience related to environmental engineering, natural resources, and land use design projects. We have managed numerous projects throughout West Virginia and the Appalachian region.
Our staff are uniquely positioned to streamline the permitting process by relying on our established documentation methods and the working relationships that we have developed with regulatory agencies.
In addition to water quality monitoring and treatment, Decota also performs a variety of important ecological studies following approved protocols. Our biologists can perform habitat assessments and surveys related to plants, benthic macroinvertebrates, fish, and crayfish.
We can assist your organization with mitigation site selection, mitigation proposals, mitigation banking, natural channel design, wetland delineation, and wetland design. Our staff has proven experience designing and implementing mitigation projects.
Since 1996, we have provided landowners, government agencies, nonprofits, and private industry with environmental consulting services throughout Appalachia.
Decota employees engineers and scientists with expert knowledge of ecology, hydrology, environmental engineering, and the regulatory permitting process.